Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wat a day ~....

Well like it say The rain doesnt start without a thunder same as me my emotion doesnt shake without a reason. Today was really a day I dont want to remember and it may be 1.10 in the morning and people will think I'm insane writing craps here well I just want to for fun . I dont know what have happen but seriously my emotion shake to the max may be because my fever hasnt subside or just I had too much for a day. How I hate it ended this way ~sigh~.But all I culd say is I still havent recovered yet from my shock that my friend have just move out leaving a would without a treachery behind and of course building a new life and adapting to the environment would take time bt yet I may look like a girl with no feelings but when its shake to the max theres no telling how I would feel for example I broke down into tears and ended up sorting my Best friend to consult me and she's right this is the time if I want to cry I should cry and give out all I have so that tomorrow I can start a new life and adapt to whats there left for me. I dont dare start something new I dont dare open my feelings anymore cause this didnt happen for the 1st time. it may be a different situation but its still the same having feeling SUCKS LIKE HELL!!!all you get when u were left is desperate attempt to get back to the same road you enjoyed before which of coure it wont.

Mom saw my reaction today and ask me what happen all I do us "nothing , you wont understand" and continued closing my eyes pretending that I'm tired but deep down inside how I wish I could tell her but it will ended up worst. I dont want to be a cry baby with no care on the line. If i want to achieve my dreams the 1st step to it is learn how to be responsible towards my own life like the book says Thick Face Black Heart and theres no telling what type of monster I can be I just have to accept it no matter what. But one thing for sure I had freinds that stood at the back of me supporting me silently and thats how my days will be no doubt and it sounds better. And best thing my TKD senior say I was so dman ~EMO!~ I was like...WHA????cause the word emo sounds like a person wit black and words like yo mama, uh huh, naah, bla!!!!HAHAX....but he help me out too besides Ruve which of course I dont know why cause he was the 1st in my list that wants to bully me and I wrongly Accused him of pakat-ing wit her..So SORRY!!!!MY FAULT!!!and I jus came to realise and want to tell him when I think he wne t and slept already so theres always another day for stuff like those and now I jut want to get back to school and concentrate on my SPM so that after SPM I can go to work and hang out with friends and of course fight wit my dad to be a better person and a better courier than him since thats what he have aimed for me and next year CNY is gonna be awesome....ok I crap dont know go where alredi. I think I'll stop here and crap tomorrow again. Nitez GUYS!!!!

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