Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thee feeling will eventually hit you back

It been some time since I updated my blog sorry people!!
Anyway here is something interesting I pick up.

I use to read tons of books during my high school year
but then only my last 2 years this books really gave me a big impact!
I started having so many collection 
even my new build in cabinet wont fit anymore!

The last book that I was reading before my Form 5 was
Evermore and Blue moon
Remember the immortal series I use to talk about?
Boost about the book i had?
 Yeah this is the one!

So what I want to say is,
when you really read super emotional song 
or maybe super romance!!!
GAWD!! it sucks to get hurt just by reading
Worst yet what I done when I was reading this book is...
I was hearing to one of Enya collection
Which i got no freaking idea where I got the album from
But I was testifying the song...

The mood was so right with the song that
whenever i read it the song put in double emo in me!
Even now when I am hearing it
minus the book please...
I can feel the whole emotional chaos I had in the book!

It's a super bad thing for me since I hear this song almost everywhere i go!
Maybe because people love it so much.
It makes it harder for me to hide my face!
It's so embarrassing that when you came to the climax of the book

The really bad part (...)
Your face expression will change like totally!
Even the old fellow in front of you 
will look utterly handsome..

That's how bad it was.
you expression will start mimicking you feeling and express those.
Anyway, to me its a great experience when you read the good book.
If you read those brutal torcher and hear those songs you were playing
I swear you will feel those pain
as though you gone through the whole brutality you own self!

This is something I experience many many time.
So do keep a precaution that even donkey feelings affects your rhythm
Books are great but then you dont want to have a permanent effect right?
So treat the song and those books separately.
People might think you are total insane..


An irish woman that does really emotional song or rhythm.
She makes great song only people now days dont understand...
Enjoy! XD

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